LEED Certification

LEED is a voluntary, consensus-based, market-driven program that provides third-party verification of green buildings. From individual buildings and homes to entire neighborhoods and communities, LEED is transforming the way that built environments are designed, constructed, and operated. MURi is well versed in the practical and cost-effective application of LEED. MURi team lessons learned from the process is extremely valuable when assisting project teams in achieving the desired LEED rating in the most effective manner.

Zero Carbon Building Standard (ZCBs) Certification

CaGBC’s Zero Carbon Building Standard is the new measure of green building innovation.

Carbon emissions represent the true climatic impact of buildings. Only by focusing on emissions during design, and assessing emissions once in operation, can we ensure the low-carbon outcomes Canada needs.

The ZCB Standard provides pathways for both new and existing buildings to reach zero carbon, and certification offers recognition for industry leaders. With ZCB Standard v2, focus is on the carbon balance of a building across its life-cycle, including construction and operation. It is applicable to all buildings except homes and small multi-family residential buildings.

MURi provides Zero Carbon Building certification and consultation services for ZCB–Design Standard and ZCB–Performance Standard for both version 1&2.  

BREEAM Certification

BREEAM is the world’s leading sustainability assessment method For master planning projects, infrastructure and buildings. It recognises and reflects the value in higher performing assets across the built environment lifecycle, from new construction to in-use and refurbishment.

BREEAM is an assessment undertaken by independent licensed assessors using scientifically-based sustainability metrics and indices which cover a range of environmental issues. Its categories evaluate energy and water use, health and wellbeing, pollution, transport, materials, waste, ecology and management processes. Buildings are rated and certified on a scale of ‘Pass’, ‘Good’, ‘Very Good’, ‘Excellent’ and ‘Outstanding’.

It works to raise awareness amongst owners, occupiers, and designers of the benefits of taking a sustainability approach. It helps them to successfully adopt sustainable solutions in a cost-effective manner and provides market recognition of their achievements. It aims to reduce the negative effects of construction and development on the environment.

WELL Certification

The WELL Building Standard is a performance-based system for measuring, certifying, and monitoring features of the built environment that impact human health and wellbeing, through air, water, nourishment, light, movement, comfort, sound, materials and mind.

MURi has a WELL accredited Professional with a diverse set of qualifications and skills. MURi team is committed advancing human health and wellness in buildings and communities

Passive House Consultation and Certification

Passive House stands for healthy, comfortable living and impressive energy efficiency, regardless of the regional climate. Within the last several years, Passive House has gained rapidly in popularity, with over 60,000 residential and non-residential units in existence worldwide, and over 14,000 certified according to strict Passive House Institute certification criteria.
The International Passive House Association (iPHA) was formed by the Passive House Institute in order to advance the Passive House Standard worldwide as well as the quality for which it stands.
Using the Passive House Planning Package as a launching pad, we routinely run thorough parametric analyses of our projects at the very beginning of design. Sitting side-by-side with the project architect and other team members, we can fine-tune hundreds of variables in building design and construction to come up with the most cost-optimized design possible. And as experienced Passive House consultants, we can provide myriad examples to the project team of real-world, high performance details and assemblies.

Green Star Certification

Green Star certification provides verification of the sustainable design, construction and operation of buildings and community projects.

Green Star was introduced in 2003 by the Green Building Council of Australia and is Australia’s only nationally recognized and voluntary system of rating environmental sustainability. It is a document-based assessment, undertaken online.

WELL Performance Testing and Verification

WELL is a performance-based rating system and every WELL certified project is verified through an on-site performance testing.

Performance verification is unique to WELL and is one of the most important milestones in the certification process. It verifies that the environmental parameters impacting people’s health and well-being are achieved and provides assurance and transparency that the site is performing as intended. This third-party performance testing is key to illuminating potential gaps and opportunities for improvement.

WELL Performance Verification is a data-driven, on-site, third-party assessment of your project to confirm compliance with WELL. Performance verification is scheduled once documentation has been approved through the documentation review process.

MURi provides WELL performance testing and verification service as a third party performance testing agent for WELL standard v1, v2 and Health and safety certification. 

ESTIDAMA and GSAS Certification

The Abu Dhabi 2030 Vision Plan developed by the Urban Planning Commission has set a roadmap for Abu Dhabi for a sustainable future. ESTIDAMA covers multiple facets’ of the Emirate’s development, including urban design, environmental health and safety, building development, zoning and planning. The mission is to preserve the emirates’ cultural, economic, social and environmental resources for future generations, while improving the lives of the current citizens of Abu Dhabi.

Global Sustainability Assessment System (GSAS) is the first performance-based system in the MENA region, developed for rating the green buildings and infrastructures. The primary objective of GSAS is to create a sustainable built environment, considering the specific needs and context of the region.

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